Divorce, Custody & Family Law

Passion for Families
Family law encompasses a wide range of practice areas that generally yield some of the most emotionally charged and complex cases for attorneys and clients to experience. From divorce, to guardianships, to probates, situations involving a family tragedy and issues among your loved ones are very difficult to navigate both mentally and financially, even without the added stress of bringing those situations into the courtroom.
Let our team at South County Law Firm assist and guide you during these difficult times. Every member of our team is passionate and committed to providing efficient and competent legal representation, and as a result, easing your stress and providing a clear path to a resolution of your case. We are experienced in a wide array of family law areas including guardianship, adoption, and divorce, among others. While nothing is ever a guarantee in the courtroom, we will give you our best assessment and map out a legal strategy to give you the information you need to make the most informed decision for your representation.
Give our office a call today to schedule a consultation and let us take care of your legal matter so you can rest easy knowing that our team is working hard on your case so you don’t have to bear the burden of worry and stress alone.
To get a divorce, you must first be married, either by ceremony or common law. The most used reason is incompatibility, which means that at least one party feels that the marriage can no longer continue. One party cannot stop the other from getting a divorce.
Under the law, the goal of a divorce is a fair and equitable division of debts and assets. This does not always mean a 50/50 split. Often, there has to be give and take and flexibility by both parties on how the division will occur.
If there are children involved, the law presumes that the parents are entitled to share custody evenly. For this to change, there must be some sort of reason, such as location, work schedules, or aggravating factors, like abuse or neglect. Along with custody, Oklahoma has a set calculator for figuring child support. Income, the number of overnights, medical insurance costs, and other costs such as daycare or special needs are entered, and the child support amount is set. A party
cannot avoid child support by being unemployed or by purposefully making less than they are able. If that happens, the court will assign an income level to that party.
If the parties have children, but were never married, a paternity action is used to determine custody and child support. Here, the law grants the mother custody until a court order is entered. If this is your situation, it is highly recommended to get a court order so that everyone’s rights are protected.
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