
Real Estate

Let us Solve Your Real Estate Issues

Real Estate Law

The attorneys at South County Law Firm are skilled in handling a variety of real estate issues including title opinions, boundary disputes, questions regarding land held up in the name of a deceased person, as well as have a wealth of knowledge regarding restricted Indian property. Our attorneys serve as title attorneys and have several contracts with banks and other legal entities providing services to their real estate departments. Many people have questions regarding various issues about land, some of which include:

  • Boundary Disputes
  • What their rights about establishing boundaries
  • How to acquire ownership of property
  • Leins on Property
  • Title Transfers

…and various other matters.

Our attorneys handle a variety of quiet title matters and various lawsuits related to real estate disputes. Schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys today regarding any real estate issues you may have, especially as it pertains to quiet title actions, probate actions and estate planing as it would relate to how it would relate to how one would transfer title upon their passing.

We will work tirelessly to solve your case as fast as we can to the outcomes you deserve. This is why we are Tulsa Area’s leading attorneys for real estate law. Contact us today to let us show you how dedicated we are to solving your legal realities.

Real property ownership in Oklahoma is a goal for many people. But owning property came come with problems. There can be underlying issues with your property, which requires the use of an attorney. These issues can involve the death of owners, adverse possession, unwanted easements, gaps in ownership, or other title defects. 

Many issues can delay or even derail buying, selling, conveying, or transferring property. This is because the moving of property usually requires “marketable” title, which means free from claims, liens, and defects. All of which could give rise to lawsuits.

Usually, the moving real property between owners begins with an abstract. This is a book of all documents which are relevant to the property and its owners. The abstract includes deeds, mortgages, liens, easements, and releases. The person who reviews the abstract to decide if the title is marketable is the title examiner. The title examiner will review and interpret all of the documents and apply the laws and standards outlined by the State of Oklahoma. If there are issues which make the title not marketable, the title examiner will outline how to take care of those issues. After this, the property can be moved between owners.

Let Us Help With Your Real Estate Issue

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